Acerca de

Real Life Scenarios
Clara, Ben, and Jake were diagnosed with cervical cancer one year ago; however, their cancer journeys were quite different. They were initially provided with the same set of treatment options. Clara chose to undergo surgery with the iKnife, whereas Ben and Jake chose the surgery with a regular scalpel. Learn more about their stories by watching the video below.
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Video Credit: Team 1557-1
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Ben had a normal initial surgery. His post-operative biopsy results indicated there was more hidden cancerous tissue, thus necessitating reoperation. The ensuing reoperation resulted in in mental, physical, and financial drawbacks.
Jake's post-operative biopsy showed no cancer cells in the surrounding tissue, so he thought all the cancer was gone. However, this result was a false negative, and his doctors found that cancer was spreading and there was a growing secondary tumor that had grown in the same area as his primary tumor. A reoperation was needed.
Clara opted for surgery with iKnife which allowed the surgeon to confidently make decisions while removing tissue surrounding the main tumor. This led to a successful surgery where all cancerous tissue was removed and reoperation was not required.
Ben, Jake, and Clara's cancer journeys demonstrate how the iKnife is able to prevent both the need for a reoperation as well as serve as a more accurate intraoperative diagnostic tool than a postoperative biopsy, giving
iKnife the potential to revolutionize the future of cancer surgery.