The Solution: IKnife
The iKnife is a device that addresses the issue of cancer surgery reoperation by allowing surgeons to distinguish between cancerous tissue and normal tissue in real-time (during the surgery). This allows surgeons to better tailor their surgery to the patient, reducing the likelihood that a reoperation will be necessary.
How the iKnife Works
iKnife works by utilizing the scientific process of Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) to analyze tissue during the surgery. This information is then relayed to the surgeon in real-time, allowing them to make intra-operative diagnoses with higher accuracy.
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Success of the iKnife
According to the International Journal for Gynecological Cancer, the iKnife had an overall 97.8% accuracy in distinguishing between normal tissue vs cancer tissue when compared to the accuracy of the post-operative biopsy.
Thus, although the iKnife is a relatively new emergent technology, it has established its potential as an effective solution to the issue of cancer reoperation. By utilizing the scientific procedure of REIMS, the iKnife allows surgeons to distinguish between cancerous and non-cancerous tissue during surgery instead of after surgery, which significantly helps decrease the possibility of needing a reoperation. Thus, the stated issue is addressed.